"No Smoking" el EL nameplate often appear in Internet cafes, hotels, shopping malls, train stations, bus stations, supermarkets, tobacco shops and other public places, with a warning role. As the modern spirit of the people to pursue the development level of nameplate design requirements are relatively high, mark, warning, but also play a beautiful role.
Taxis are public transport, which is inside the scope of public places, so the current transport control department in the cab of the car set up a "no smoking" el EL light-emitting badges, attracted everyone's concept note, the large public places continue to follow. The "no smoking" signage of the surrounding environment for rational design and placed in a prominent position in order to fully reflect the nameplate indicates the role.
To do with el EL backlight LED "No Smoking" signage demonstration map
 el EL can also be so designed, according to your requirements, Optical Technology Co., Ltd. Suzhou long were you can create any size of EL sheet!

The above light-emitting el EL "No Smoking" signage is not only clearly visible during the day and at night light character clearly visible. Good uniformity, power consumption, simple structure, small size, easy installation and maintenance, so as to solve the existing nameplate outside the traditional large bulky, large power consumption, installation difficulties, uneven brightness problems.